Coping with Anxiety

5 min readMar 5, 2021

At the end of last year and into 2021, I came to a point when I realized I deal with anxiety on a daily basis. In response to this realization and putting a label to this intense feeling I often experienced but couldn’t figure out what it was. I know putting labels is not a good thing to do, but acknowledging that anxiety is something I experience throughout my life kickstarted how I can best help myself with coping with anxiety. I understand everyone copes differently, but I hope that what I share can encourage you to find what helps you cope best with anxiety in your own way.

In response to this realization, this year I chose to focus on the theme of building a home inside of myself. This includes taking it easier on myself and having compassion for my inner child, thoughts, and storylines I give too much power to. In other words, figuring out how I feel while I’m “in my feels.” Even though it’s just the beginning, I hope to share with you some ways that I have found helpful so far. Even as I am writing this I’ve found new ways that bring me peace and comfort. Learning how to cope is ever-changing because you are always changing. Remember that your mind is too a body part, part of your body which needs attention in order to be taken care of.

What does coping mean to me?

Dictionary definition:




gerund or present participle: coping

(of a person) deal effectively with something difficult

My definition:

Finding ways to soothe myself when certain emotions come up. I know the dictionary definition uses the word “effectively”, but remember it takes practice and exploration to know what effectively works best for you. Anxiety is a shared experience at different magnitudes, but how we cope is unique to the individual.

During hard times anxiety feels like a coat I can’t shake off. I see it now as a horse in a wild open space preserve where she gets taken care of but still has freedom to do her thing and be observed to be taken care of in the best way.

Image by Marisa Lee

8 Ways I’ve Learned So Far to Cope

Sharing 8 ways I’ve discovered help me manage anxiety when it comes up and also as instances to calm down, take a breath, and be grounded. Therapy is another way which I did not include because I am planning a whole seperate article to talk about this subject. I hope this list can help spark your own individual exploration of what will best work for you.

  1. ASMR — Whenever I get a goodnight’s sleep this is a rare blessing. Ever lie awake at night with thoughts running through your mind? I listen to these two channels the most and everytime I fall straight to sleep: Ediyasmr and Itsblitzzz
  2. Meditation — I use meditation to stay grounded and as a part of my daily routine. Meditation in the morning accesses that sleepy time right before my mind starts racing to truly take advantage of the calm energy that comes naturally in the morning. Apps I use: Headspace, Balance, Insight Timer, and Calm
  3. Journaling — Another truly life changing activity that clears some of the dialogue in my head and out onto paper. I made a video here about how to set up your journal as well as journaling tips. This Skillshare video: Writing for self discovery 6 journaling prompts with Yasmine Cheyenne sparked so many journaling prompt ideas that I was able to tailor towards deeper self exploration.
  4. Nemo’s Dreamscapes — So perfect for doing daily activites or chores. Being present with the body of tidying up while also listening to these soundscapes utilizes this time to perfectly. Taking advantage of checking in with myself whenever possible I have found to be key. I love the names of their videos too, like this one: Oldies playing on a beach while you are taking a nap (ocean waves w/ birds, seagulls)
  5. CBD Oil — For a long time I was stubborn to ingest something to deal with anxiety. I read this quote from the School of Life , “ They (one dealing with mental illness) may also — used appropriately — benefit from temporary use of medication to lift their mood just enough so that they can endure a conversation.” along with talking with loved ones who encouraged me to try CBD. I currently use this one from Lazarus Farms and I take slightly less than 50mL (reccommended to start with 15-25mL suggested by Lazarus Farms) right before bed. I’ve noticed how much more I am able to be there for myself in a compassionate and understanding way when thoughts or storylines I give too much power to pop up into my head.
  6. Reading — Get away from that phone! But have a healthy relationship with technology and use it as a tool versus focusing your whole life around it. Reading at night or during the day is again a way to stop and be present with my book and surroundings. It’s all about being present and aware. I now read 30 pages a day as my goal and of course allow myself to go past that. But start with a reasonable goal with yourself to at least read a certain amount of page when you sit down. This video helped put into perspective how much you’d read if you just read 10 pages a day.
  7. Going on walks — Going on a quick walk around the neighborhood or if you’re going out to grab food and walk a little around the area are nice ways to create breaks in the day. Helping bring mental clarity and simply some fresh air. If you’re getting tired of walking along the same street on your daily walks try walking to new safe part of your neighborhood that is safe. This always helps spark appreciation for me, of the familiarity of my own block as I walk back and I feel all those happy feels.
  8. Getting dressed — Now I don’t mean you have to get dressed like you’re going into a days work. But get cozy, and I mean real cozy. Try the coziest outfit possible besides your PJ’s. Be aware that you’re choosing to put on your coziest gear to tackle the day ahead or simply letting yourself do everything you enjoy for the day. Allow yourself comfort from the outside in!

Thank you for reading my first article! Talk soon ❤

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